![]() The Crestwood Neighborhood Association is proud to announce that Crestwood-branded sign-toppers have been installed at all peripheral intersections. .The signs cost approximately $30 each (including installation). If you'd like to see these at all interior intersections as well, please consider donating to the CNA. You can do so here. Be sure to put in the memo what the funds are for (e.g. dues; doggie bags; sign-toppers). Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen.
The Crestwood Neighborhood Association has replaced two of the three dog waste stations on the 19th Street median. Your dues and donations are what make these stations possible by paying for the hardware and the bags. Neighborhood volunteers empty the waste bins. If you see them doing it, be sure to thank them. If you'd like to help fund the bags, you may do so here. The remaining waste station on the 2700 block of NW 19th St. still needs to be replaced, so any donations are appreciated.
A special thanks goes to Paul at the City of Oklahoma City for installing these for us. Meeting started at 6:38 p.m.
Updates From Last Meeting
Discussed Replacing Other Doggie Waste Stations
Sign Toppers
Tree Bank
Mugs/Totes for New Members
Micah contacted Don’s Lawns for Median Fertilization
Meeting Concluded at 7:21 Meeting started at 6:35 p.m. 12/13/16
1.Donna Stiles donated bulbs to be planted on the median. Jenny is holding them until a warm day that we can plant them. Thanks Donna! 2.Sign toppers: Lincoln Terrace is still the only neighborhood queued before us. They will not have their sign toppers installed until after January 1st. 3.John gave an update on the finances. a.Three membership dues were paid for a total of $90. b.Checking: $1656.44 c.Savings: $1882.56 4.Carter asked for an update regarding fertilizing the median. a.Action Point: Nancy will contact Micah regarding his findings regarding the cost b.Action Point: Greg will contact OSU. They test soil for free and give advice on the best care options for the soil type. 5.Francoise asked about planting trees on the median. Many agreed that there needs to be more tree coverage. There is a tree bank which we can apply to get trees to plant for free. Jenny recommended water oaks as they grow quickly and are resilient. a.Action Point: Justin will e-mail his contact with the city to inquire. b.Motion: Someone mentioned that the city will cut trees down for free and grind the stumps. We are interested in having two of the dead/dying trees on the median cut down. A motion was proposed by Justin to look into it and seconded by Deanne. Everyone present voted to pass the motion. c. A gazebo was mentioned as a possible financial/fundraising goal for the median. 6.We discussed the doggy bags and receptacles a.Action Point: Justin will follow up with the doggy bag receptacles. b.Considering financial goal of another two doggy bag receptacles. c.Nancy mentioned at the next meeting we should find someone to change the bag periodically because Aaron and Jason were doing it and they have moved. Meeting adjourned at 7:17 The City of Oklahoma City needs the input of each neighborhood for the 2017 Bond Election. Tell the City what is important to you, whether it's street repairs, sidewalks, public transit, better drainage, more recreation options or any of the other options on the survey. Take the survey here.
Meeting started at 6:35 p.m.
Those present:
Median Weeds and Pesticides Jenny brought up concerns regarding the median’s weeds and using pesticides. Alicia and Aaron said they used pesticides in the past and it helped and Micah suggested to do it in the winter because there would be less foot traffic. It can cost up to $750 but Micah said he knows someone that has done it for less. Action Point: Micah will call around (Kiss My Grass is too expensive, will try Don’s Lawns). Concerns were mentioned regarding how to advertize that there are pesticides on the grass-possibly use signs on the median and/or in the neighborhood newsletter. Micah brought up the concern about using fertilizer in the summer as it will burn up the grass and be a hindrance to dogs. He suggested instead to do it in January or February because of less foot traffic. Alicia mentioned we could put it on the website. In total the costs look like they will be around $400-500. Deanne reminded the group that if we are not doing this until winter we have time to shop around for a deal. Median Trees There are five trees at the west end of the 2500 block that Doris Carder was concerned about. Jenny suggested that we straighten and/or fertilize them. Micah mentioned we might think about digging them up and planting them straight. Action Point: Jenny said she would talk to Don regarding the trees. All agreed we cannot cut them down and that crepe myrtle trees generally grow in groups. Neighborhood Grant Deanne reminded all she submitted a grant (Create Great Neighborhoods)- we can use this for a number of purposes if we receive it. Timeline: Should hear back in a month. Neighbor’s Night Out (NNO) Those present appreciated John for his event planning with NNO. Jenny asked about the money vis-a-vis NNO and John gave an update: Financials: 15-20 people paid dues, an anonymous donation of $400 was given (not earmarked for anything). Justin asked where we are financially: Checking Account: $1,378.69 Savings Account: $1,882.56 Micah suggested a spring membership due drive as we gained financially during this NNO and it only cost us $179. Neighborhood Goals John suggested that we make goals for the year as a board (e.g. an amount to raise for Median Maintenance or NNO etc.) Deanne suggested internal sign toppers as a goal. Jenny asked about doing a plant sale. Halloween Justin asked what, if anything, we would like to do for Halloween. Suggestion: John suggested a “Trunk or Treat” on 19th St. i.e. a median Halloween. Justin said they could bring a projector and possibly play Hocus Pocus. OKC official Trick or Treat will be held on a Monday, all present seemed to agree that it would be a good idea to invite neighbors to bring candy to the 19th St. median and we can pass it out together, set up a few tables, etc. Action Point: John will publish a Nextdoor thread advertising it. The Crestwood Neighborhood Association will bring tables and invite people to bring candy and decorations. Jenny mentioned she can bring portable speakers or that someone should. Neighborhood Association Goals John brought up the idea of goals such as the median, NNO, interior sign toppers (Deanne), Benches from Oklahoma Correctional Industries (OCI), and Gazebos (Jason & Aaron). Also mentioned were doggy bag holders & trash can maintenance. Action Point: Justin will contact the city re: dog waste receptacles and see how much they are. Jenny suggested getting metal ones like Cleveland and that we can check on Amazon for prices. Carter mentioned fundraising for them. Deanne mentioned buying one from OKC and finding the make and model and buying it at cost. Ask the City to Spray? Deanne asked if we should ask the city if we are allowed to spray but all agreed we were in our rights to spray the median. Monetizing the Newsletter John announced that he would like to look into monetizing the newsletter by selling ad space to lawn companies, contractors, etc. Justin said that during the winter we should think about making the newsletter digital so that people do not need to go out in the elements. Voting on Flowers A vote was taken that pansies would be planted and if the cost of tulip bulbs were reasonable they would be planted before the pansies so that they would come up in the spring in the median. Action Point: Jenny will shop around (Micah mentioned Lowe’s 10% price matching) Meeting was concluded around 7:10 p.m. The Crestwood Neighborhood Association has been named a finalist in the Neighborhood Alliance of Central Oklahoma's Good Neighbor Awards. The category CNA is nominated for is "Best Neighborhood Communications." Thank you to everyone who worked to ensure that our message is delivered to the broadest possible audience through a variety of media.
Crestwood's Neighbors Night Out event was a huge success. A huge thank you to everyone who helped make it happen, John Encomienda (who planned most of the event), Babalu food truck, and Kathy Griffin Martin (who took the lovely photos below).
OG&E is helping leading the charge for a greener Oklahoma: first through wind energy and now through its support for electric vehicles. Click the image above to learn more about OG&E's electric vehicle efforts. Click here to learn about tax credits available for electric car purchasers.
CrestwoodGeneral news and events for the Crestwood Neighborhood Association Archives
November 2019
Come Be a Part of our Neighborhood!
Our community is over 90 years old, and we are eager to welcome new families into it. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. For any questions, email the CNA president or ask your local Realtor. If you're part of the neighborhood already, join us on Nextdoor.